Me with various semi-famous people
(mostly cartoonists)

Yes, Iā€™m burying theĀ juicy stuff a couple pages deep.

Donā€™t worry. I got the goods.

Meanwhile, here are various photos of me with extremely-to-barely famous people, mostly cartoonists, and some radio folks.
(And often, Matt Madden, a cartoonist and my husband.)

Will Eisner in 1992 at the Chicago Comicon

Scott McCloud (& Tom Devlin) in 1997 at SPX
(cardboard camera selfie)

A little overheated (I was dancing!) and not quite sober in Tijuana with Brian Biggs, Matt, and Josh Neufeld in 1998

Running the overhead projector for Charles Burns, doing a live reading, in 2002

Famous-in-France Kiloffer and Igort in 2003 with me and Matt

With the elegant Miguelanxo Prado at a dinner at city hall in La CoruƱa in 2006

French art-publishing pioneer Florence Cestac in 2007

Me and Matt with Neil Gaiman and Brian Lee Oā€™Malley in 2010

Ira Glass on Skype in 2013

Stephanie Foo in 2014

Me and Alison Bechdel in 2015 talking about something other than men
(in this case, Scrivener)

Mo Willems during his Paris sabbatical in 2015
(we called each other in the morning to wear matching outfits. lol)

Roman Mars and Glynn Washington in 2016

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Awesome, thank you!

OK, that was boring.

How about I reveal my secret identity??

Click to FIND OUT!